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$26Million Verdict - LIT SUITE Customer Review

$26Million Verdict - LIT SUITE Customer Review

$26,276,752.37 VERDICT in an Elder Abuse, Fraud, and Legal Malpractice case, Applestein v. Kleinhendler, Eastern District of New York.

Thank you guys!! A few things that I wanted to share:

#1 - I got my entire team trained and using the LIT SUITE Apps.

#2 - Opposing counsel were also using the LIT SUITE Apps.

#3 - We played deposition videos in trial that were synced and edited using TranscriptPad.

#4 - Deposition designations for testimony we had to read into the record were easy to make using TranscriptPad. We circulated the summary reports, full annotated transcripts, and even shared the transcripts among opposing counsel and the Court. The readers read from the Detail PDF Report which eliminated delays from flipping to pages in the transcript and minimized mistakes.

#5 - We had an exceedingly hard-working 8-person jury that pored over every document, so we were thrilled that the Court allowed us to load all the evidence into ExhibitsPad.

#6 - Each juror had a 12.9” iPad Pro. After the jury was charged, we were able to get all the information onto the iPads using AirDrop. I’m still shocked that the volume of pages and media that we had to load on each juror's iPad could be transferred seemingly instantly. Loading into ExhibitsPad was practically instantaneous. The jurors loved the iPads and thanked us for providing them.

#7 - Special thanks to the LIT SOFTWARE support team who helped me through issues that I was experiencing on my M4 iPad. I had my old M1 iPad as a backup, but I never had to use it. My M4 iPad never experienced an issue through trial.

#8 - As you may remember, I’ve used the LIT SUITE in every trial I’ve had since 2015. This was the first trial where every day I walked into court with only two things: my pocket copy of the Federal Rules of Evidence, and my iPad. Those were the only two things that I had on my desk the entire trial.

That’s all I have for you. Thank you for your software.

Thomas H. Vidal
Pryor Cashman LLP

Tom is a partner at Pryor Cashman, and a LIT SOFTWARE Featured Pro. Learn more about Tom's use of the LIT SUITE apps here:

And, check out more details about the verdict on the Pryor Cashman website, including links to articles from Bloomberg, Law360, and NY Law Journal.

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