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iPad and Mac Array
LIT SOFTWAREJun 29, 2015 12:00:00 AM1 min read

Another Happy Customer - Tom Vidal, Esq.


We received a great email from LIT SUITE user Tom Vidal, Esq. Thanks for the feedback Tom!

I just finished—and won(!)—a seven-day jury trial. My technology setup consisted of (1) my iPad paired with (2) an Apple TV using the peer-to-peer networking feature (along with a projector and speakers) and using (3) TrialPad and (4) TranscriptPad. My opponent was messing around with an Elmo he couldn’t focus and for which he got chastised by the judge. My team and I, on the other hand, were smoothly transitioning from exhibit to exhibit. It was a breeze to pull up deposition transcripts for impeachment because we had everything coded/digested in TranscriptPad. Closing argument was a breeze because I scanned the Jury instructions and uploaded them to TrialPad. I then walked the jurors through the instructions while highlighting how the evidence stacked up in my client’s favor. When I compared my admitted exhibits with the court staff it was perfectly simple, since I’d marked them admitted on TrialPad on the fly.

I am so pleased with how well these products work, how robust and functional they are, how easy they are to use, and, most importantly, how professional and organized we appeared in front of our judge and the jury. Thanks guys!!! Keep making wonderful high-end, professional grade apps.

Thank you,

Tom Vidal"