Double Your Productivity in TranscriptPad With Speak Transcript! — LIT SOFTWARE

Written by LIT SOFTWARE | Aug 12, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Part of our commitment to creating accessible apps led us to some great new features that will help every lawyer who opens TranscriptPad.

If you’ve been using TranscriptPad for transcript review, you know that TranscriptPad has always had a hands-free feature that allows you to automatically scroll through a transcript, even adjusting the speed according to your preference. TranscriptPad can now read the transcript to you. Simply tap on the speaker icon and turn on the “Speak Transcript” switch to start listening.

TranscriptPad’s new Speak Transcript feature allows you to adjust the speed settings of the playback from half-speed (0.5x) to double-speed (2x) so that you can listen at the pace that suits your preference. Two different voices are used to easily distinguish between the questions and answers. The default voices can easily be changed to any voice you have installed on your iPad (we recommend choosing the “Enhanced” versions of voices). Now you can listen to your transcripts on your morning commute to the office, while authoring your next brief at your desk, or even through your AirPods as you prepare dinner! Just open TranscriptPad, press play, sit back, and listen!

Watch our quick Video Tutorial on using the Speak Transcript feature to see Speak Transcript in action.