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LIT SOFTWAREMay 24, 2023 12:00:00 AM12 min read

Featured Pro: Paul Motz

Featured Pro: Paul Motz — LIT SOFTWARE
Paul Motz is a trial lawyer. His practice focuses on complex commercial and tort litigation disputes, trying large-scale matters involving product liability, catastrophic personal injury, medical malpractice, professional negligence, transportation, and construction defect. Based in the Chicago office of Segal McCambridge, Paul is called in, often on the eve of trial, on very large cases in jurisdictions around the country. More often than not, Paul doesn’t have the months or years of experience most lawyers have with a case before going to trial. In most cases, his practice involves digesting huge volumes of information, forming a strategy around it, and presenting the case, the argument, and all its components in the courtroom.

To manage and process the firehose of information he is presented with, Paul has a team and the LIT SUITE. Paul told us, “The LIT SUITE has revolutionized the way I do my work.” The LIT SUITE has streamlined his trial prep, modernized his depositions and trial presentations, and overhauled the way he trains his associates. Here’s how it works for him:

The LIT SUITE has revolutionized the way I do my work. 
LIT SOFTWAREAug 30, 2019, 4:00:00 AM5 min read

Featured Pro: Paul Kiesel

Paul Kiesel, Esq. of Kiesel Law handles complex Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Class Action and MDL Actions. Based in ...
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LIT SOFTWAREApr 9, 2024, 6:33:00 PM4 min read

Effortless Evidence Integration

Seamlessly import crucial evidence from a variety of sources, including your preferred cloud storage provider, USB drives, ...
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LIT SOFTWAREJan 11, 2023, 5:00:00 AM8 min read

Featured Pros: Chris Placitella and Jared Placitella

When it comes to legal preparation and presentation advice, the truth is: What works for you is what works for you. Our latest ...
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