Create powerful and visually engaging reports in multiple formats, including PDF, TXT, and Excel, ideal for summaries, motions, and impactful presentations.
After you use TranscriptPad to assign issue codes to designations, add highlights, underline sections, flag questions and answers, or create video clips, you can create beautiful reports! Choose to create a report of one deponent's transcript, a group of trial transcripts, or create a report of a particular issue across your entire case.
Press the reports button at the bottom of the documents list in TranscriptPad to view all your reporting options. After creating your reports, you can choose to export, print, share, or save them in your TranscriptPad Case File.
Some of the most popular TranscriptPad reports include:
This report creates a PDF file that includes the page and line numbers for each designation, and text of the transcript testimony. This is a great report to create as a summary of a deponent’s testimony, especially if it will be some time before you review it again. The designations in the report can be sorted by the type of annotation (highlights grouped together, issue codes grouped together, etc.), or by page (annotations and issue codes would be shown in chronological order of the transcript).
This report creates a PDF slide for each designation. Each slide also includes the deponent name, volume number, date of deposition, page and line information, and the transcript testimony. The slide background color can be set to Black or White, and the resulting slides can be exported to TrialPad and used to impeach a witness in the courtroom or imported into a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation as beautifully formatted testimony slides.
This report will create a full-page PDF file of the transcript similar to a traditional full-page printed transcript and includes your highlights, underlines, flags with associated notes, and color-coded column markings for issue codes with an issue code key on the first page. This report is often used to collaborate with co-counsel, or to give to a judge to understand objections to designated testimony in context.
This report will create a Microsoft Excel file that includes each designation’s page and line information and the transcript testimony. When opened in Microsoft Excel, separate Sheets will be created for Flags, Notes, Highlights, Underlines, and Issue Codes. This report is an excellent option to quickly toggle through all the annotations and issues you've created for a single transcript or an entire Case File.
TranscriptPad has many more report options, including .TXT options and edit decision lists. Learn more about all the TranscriptPad reports: