Load exhibits, view evidence, and make notes; then make decisions based on the facts
Download ExhibitsPad from the App Store today, with no limitations or restrictions, using your own documents and evidence!
Seamless Exhibit Import
Effortlessly import all trial exhibits onto multiple identically loaded iPad devices, ensuring a uniform and efficient juror experience.
Swift Exhibit Retrieval
Harness the power of the search feature to swiftly locate and view any exhibit by exhibit number or exhibit name, enabling jurors to access crucial information in an instant.
Effortless Document Navigation
Experience the sheer ease of smoothly scrolling through documents and quickly jumping to any page of a multipage document with a simple page number input.
Interactive Multimedia Handling
Watch videos and listen to audio recordings with unparalleled ease, effortlessly scrubbing back and forth through critical evidence, optimizing comprehension.
Capture and Annotate
Empower jurors to capture snapshots of pivotal documents, photos, or video frames. Then, allow them to annotate these snapshots using a versatile array of multicolor pen, marker, or pencil tools.
Intuitive Exhibit Organization
Exhibits are thoughtfully organized in a straightforward flat folder hierarchy, categorized by Defendant Exhibits, Plaintiff Exhibits, and more. Choose between list or thumbnail views for maximum accessibility.
Administrative Efficiency
Administrators benefit from effortless addition, deletion, and viewing of exhibits on the iPad. A file counter ensures each iPad maintains an identical set of documents, pages, and multimedia files, ensuring uniformity and fairness in the deliberation process.
Deposition Enhancement
Elevate the deposition process by using AirDrop to seamlessly share exhibits one at a time with the deponent. Enable the deponent to mark up documents directly, transforming them into deposition exhibits for the court reporter.
User-Friendly Interface
The user interface has been meticulously designed with non-technical jurors and deponents in mind. It's user-friendly, ensuring that individuals from all backgrounds can navigate with confidence.
Effortless Data Security
At the conclusion of jury deliberations, administrators can easily delete all exhibits and juror notes, providing a level of security that surpasses traditional methods like shredding notebooks. Your data is safeguarded with unparalleled ease and effectiveness.