Learn online with LIT SUITE Academy!
The LIT SUITE Academy is the official learning portal for LIT SUITE users! You'll find interactive, on-demand courses designed specifically for you. Whether you're using TrialPad, TranscriptPad, DocReviewPad, TimelinePad, or ExhibitsPad, our self-paced modules will empower you to harness the full potential of these powerful tools. Register today!

You can register for LIT SUITE Academy in any LIT SUITE App. Here's how:
- Go to the Home Screen of any LIT SUITE app.
- Tap the Support button and choose “Learn Online with LIT SUITE Academy”
- Enter your email and tap Start Learning to receive your registration invite by email.
- Open your email to and tap the link in the invite to register.
- Log in and start learning!
Prefer Online Training?
Schedule a one-hour training session with a LIT SOFTWARE team member! This remote training session for up to 10 attendees, can be for lawyers, support staff, or IT personnel, and is tailored to whatever is needed to help you succeed with the LIT SUITE!